Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Craft and RELAX!

Feeling a little stressed out, as of late? It's totally normal.

Everyone I talk to seems to be five minutes away from a mental breakdown - and I can't blame them! School work is still piling up and most people seem to be behind on previous assignments.

Here are some simple tips to help keep you stress free:

1.) Get your sleep! It's temping to skip out on sleep with so much work to be done, but sleep is essential to keeping you healthy. If you find yourself up late into the night, take a nap during the day! I've seen plenty of people curled up in the Woodbury campus center...
2.) Get exercise and stretch! Exercise always helps get rid of stressful energy.
3.) Spend time with your friends.
4.) Do a little "self massage" ;)

The Ladies Underground Tea and Arsenic Society's November 19 (from 12:00pm - 2:00pm) meeting is all about crafting and relaxing. There's no formal discussion topic this time - we'll be focusing on relaxing mostly. We'll be making a variety of things to sell a USM's upcoming craft fair to benefit the Women's Resource Center.


Anonymous said...

Hey I know how to make Arsenic well my site is but the arsenic is at

Anonymous said...

Again my site is Song but the arsenic is at Arsenic